How to print ✋✌❤👀👂👃👄👅👇👤😁😛😋🤣☝emojis in python, using python🐍🐍🐍


How to print 😁😛😋🤣☝✋✌❤👀👂👃👄👅👇👋👎💬😒😓😕😖😗😎😄💩😏😐😛😛😜😈💓💀👏👅☝😛😒🙉emojis  in python, using python🐍

Everyone today do use emojis in one or the other ways on social media.

Being a programmer ,have you ever thought to write code that would give emojis in output?

It would be really fun right!!!

Python program to print Emojis

There are multiple ways we can print the Emojis in Python. Let’s see how to print Emojis with Uniocdes, CLDR names and emoji module.

Using Unicodes:
Every emoji has a Unicode associated with it. Emojis also have a CLDR short name, which can also be used.

From the list of unicodes, replace “+” with “000”. For example – “U+1F600” will become “U0001F600” and prefix the unicode with “\” and print it.

# grinning face
# grinning squinting face
# rolling on the floor laughing


You might think there will be big algorithm to print emojis😰🙄.But let me tell you ,it is not true,infact it is very easy to write code if you understand the emojis well.

By understanding the emojis well,I mean to understand how emojis represented or store in memory?

Everything in memory is store in binary format so the emojis are. It is very difficult for us to identify emojis in binary format . For this problem we have various encoding methods. Method used for encoding the emojis is Unicode .Every emojis have predefined encoded Unicode character.

So , we just need to use Unicode characters of emojis.

But it may be difficult to use Unicode characters of emojis.

Fortunately ,python have multiple way using which we can print emojis :

  1. Unicode
  2. CLDR names
  3. emoji module


To use Unicodes , we need to replace “+” with “000” from the list of unicodes .

For example :

“U+1F600” will become “U0001F600” and prefix the unicode with “\” and print it.

CLDR names:

Emojis have CLDR short names which can also be used.

Using CLDR short name:

# grinning face
print("\N{grinning face}")
# slightly smiling face
print("\N{slightly smiling face}")
# winking face
print("\N{winking face}")



Smileys & Emotion
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
1U+1F600😀grinning faceface | grin | grinning face
2U+1F603😃grinning face with big eyesface | grinning face with big eyes | mouth | open | smile
3U+1F604😄grinning face with smiling eyeseye | face | grinning face with smiling eyes | mouth | open | smile
4U+1F601😁beaming face with smiling eyesbeaming face with smiling eyes | eye | face | grin | smile
5U+1F606😆grinning squinting faceface | grinning squinting face | laugh | mouth | satisfied | smile
6U+1F605😅grinning face with sweatcold | face | grinning face with sweat | open | smile | sweat
7U+1F923🤣rolling on the floor laughingface | floor | laugh | rofl | rolling | rolling on the floor laughing | rotfl
8U+1F602😂face with tears of joyface | face with tears of joy | joy | laugh | tear
9U+1F642🙂slightly smiling faceface | slightly smiling face | smile
10U+1F643🙃upside-down faceface | upside-down
11U+1FAE0🫠⊛ melting facedisappear | dissolve | liquid | melt
12U+1F609😉winking faceface | wink | winking face
13U+1F60A😊smiling face with smiling eyesblush | eye | face | smile | smiling face with smiling eyes
14U+1F607😇smiling face with haloangel | face | fantasy | halo | innocent | smiling face with halo
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
15U+1F970🥰smiling face with heartsadore | crush | hearts | in love | smiling face with hearts
16U+1F60D😍smiling face with heart-eyeseye | face | love | smile | smiling face with heart-eyes
17U+1F929🤩star-struckeyes | face | grinning | star | star-struck | starry-eyed
18U+1F618😘face blowing a kissface | face blowing a kiss | kiss
19U+1F617😗kissing faceface | kiss | kissing face
20U+263A☺smiling faceface | outlined | relaxed | smile | smiling face
21U+1F61A😚kissing face with closed eyesclosed | eye | face | kiss | kissing face with closed eyes
22U+1F619😙kissing face with smiling eyeseye | face | kiss | kissing face with smiling eyes | smile
23U+1F972🥲smiling face with teargrateful | proud | relieved | smiling | smiling face with tear | tear | touched
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
24U+1F60B😋face savoring fooddelicious | face | face savoring food | savouring | smile | yum
25U+1F61B😛face with tongueface | face with tongue | tongue
26U+1F61C😜winking face with tongueeye | face | joke | tongue | wink | winking face with tongue
27U+1F92A🤪zany faceeye | goofy | large | small | zany face
28U+1F61D😝squinting face with tongueeye | face | horrible | squinting face with tongue | taste | tongue
29U+1F911🤑money-mouth faceface | money | money-mouth face | mouth
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
30U+1F917🤗smiling face with open handsface | hug | hugging | open hands | smiling face | smiling face with open hands
31U+1F92D🤭face with hand over mouthface with hand over mouth | whoops | shock | sudden realization | surprise
32U+1FAE2🫢⊛ face with open eyes and hand over mouthamazement | awe | disbelief | embarrass | scared | surprise
33U+1FAE3🫣⊛ face with peeking eyecaptivated | peep | stare
34U+1F92B🤫shushing facequiet | shush | shushing face
35U+1F914🤔thinking faceface | thinking
36U+1FAE1🫡⊛ saluting faceok | salute | sunny | troops | yes
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
37U+1F910🤐zipper-mouth faceface | mouth | zipper | zipper-mouth face
38U+1F928🤨face with raised eyebrowdistrust | face with raised eyebrow | skeptic | disapproval | disbelief | mild surprise | scepticism
39U+1F610😐neutral facedeadpan | face | meh | neutral
40U+1F611😑expressionless faceexpressionless | face | inexpressive | meh | unexpressive
41U+1F636😶face without mouthface | face without mouth | mouth | quiet | silent
42U+1FAE5🫥⊛ dotted line facedepressed | disappear | hide | introvert | invisible
43U+1F636 U+200D U+1F32B U+FE0F😶‍🌫️face in cloudsabsentminded | face in clouds | face in the fog | head in clouds
44U+1F60F😏smirking faceface | smirk | smirking face
45U+1F612😒unamused faceface | unamused | unhappy
46U+1F644🙄face with rolling eyeseyeroll | eyes | face | face with rolling eyes | rolling
47U+1F62C😬grimacing faceface | grimace | grimacing face
48U+1F62E U+200D U+1F4A8😮‍💨face exhalingexhale | face exhaling | gasp | groan | relief | whisper | whistle
49U+1F925🤥lying faceface | lie | lying face | pinocchio
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
50U+1F60C😌relieved faceface | relieved
51U+1F614😔pensive facedejected | face | pensive
52U+1F62A😪sleepy faceface | sleep | sleepy face
53U+1F924🤤drooling facedrooling | face
54U+1F634😴sleeping faceface | sleep | sleeping face | zzz
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
55U+1F637😷face with medical maskcold | doctor | face | face with medical mask | mask | sick
56U+1F912🤒face with thermometerface | face with thermometer | ill | sick | thermometer
57U+1F915🤕face with head-bandagebandage | face | face with head-bandage | hurt | injury
58U+1F922🤢nauseated faceface | nauseated | vomit
59U+1F92E🤮face vomitingface vomiting | puke | sick | vomit
60U+1F927🤧sneezing faceface | gesundheit | sneeze | sneezing face
61U+1F975🥵hot facefeverish | heat stroke | hot | hot face | red-faced | sweating
62U+1F976🥶cold faceblue-faced | cold | cold face | freezing | frostbite | icicles
63U+1F974🥴woozy facedizzy | intoxicated | tipsy | uneven eyes | wavy mouth | woozy face
64U+1F635😵face with crossed-out eyescrossed-out eyes | dead | face | face with crossed-out eyes | knocked out
65U+1F635 U+200D U+1F4AB😵‍💫face with spiral eyesdizzy | face with spiral eyes | hypnotized | spiral | trouble | whoa
66U+1F92F🤯exploding headexploding head | mind blown | shocked
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
67U+1F920🤠cowboy hat facecowboy | cowgirl | face | hat
68U+1F973🥳partying facecelebration | hat | horn | party | partying face
69U+1F978🥸disguised facedisguise | disguised face | face | glasses | incognito | nose
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
70U+1F60E😎smiling face with sunglassesbright | cool | face | smiling face with sunglasses | sun | sunglasses
71U+1F913🤓nerd faceface | geek | nerd
72U+1F9D0🧐face with monocleface with monocle | stuffy | wealthy
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
73U+1F615😕confused faceconfused | face | meh
74U+1FAE4🫤⊛ face with diagonal mouthdisappointed | meh | skeptical | unsure
75U+1F61F😟worried faceface | worried
76U+1F641🙁slightly frowning faceface | frown | slightly frowning face
77U+2639☹frowning faceface | frown | frowning face
78U+1F62E😮face with open mouthface | face with open mouth | mouth | open | sympathy
79U+1F62F😯hushed faceface | hushed | stunned | surprised
80U+1F632😲astonished faceastonished | face | shocked | totally
81U+1F633😳flushed facedazed | face | flushed
82U+1F97A🥺pleading facebegging | mercy | pleading face | puppy eyes
83U+1F979🥹⊛ face holding back tearsangry | cry | proud | resist | sad
84U+1F626😦frowning face with open mouthface | frown | frowning face with open mouth | mouth | open
85U+1F627😧anguished faceanguished | face
86U+1F628😨fearful faceface | fear | fearful | scared
87U+1F630😰anxious face with sweatanxious face with sweat | blue | cold | face | rushed | sweat
88U+1F625😥sad but relieved facedisappointed | face | relieved | sad but relieved face | whew
89U+1F622😢crying facecry | crying face | face | sad | tear
90U+1F62D😭loudly crying facecry | face | loudly crying face | sad | sob | tear
91U+1F631😱face screaming in fearface | face screaming in fear | fear | munch | scared | scream
92U+1F616😖confounded faceconfounded | face
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
93U+1F623😣persevering faceface | persevere | persevering face
94U+1F61E😞disappointed facedisappointed | face
95U+1F613😓downcast face with sweatcold | downcast face with sweat | face | sweat
96U+1F629😩weary faceface | tired | weary
97U+1F62B😫tired faceface | tired
98U+1F971🥱yawning facebored | tired | yawn | yawning face
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
99U+1F624😤face with steam from noseface | face with steam from nose | triumph | won
100U+1F621😡pouting faceangry | face | mad | pouting | rage | red
101U+1F620😠angry faceanger | angry | face | mad
102U+1F92C🤬face with symbols on mouthface with symbols on mouth | swearing | cursing
103U+1F608😈smiling face with hornsface | fairy tale | fantasy | horns | smile | smiling face with horns
104U+1F47F👿angry face with hornsangry face with horns | demon | devil | face | fantasy | imp
105U+1F480💀skulldeath | face | fairy tale | monster | skull
106U+2620☠skull and crossbonescrossbones | death | face | monster | skull | skull and crossbones
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
107U+1F4A9💩pile of poodung | face | monster | pile of poo | poo | poop
108U+1F921🤡clown faceclown | face
109U+1F479👹ogrecreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | monster | ogre | troll
110U+1F47A👺goblincreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | goblin | monster
111U+1F47B👻ghostcreature | face | fairy tale | fantasy | ghost | monster
112U+1F47D👽alienalien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | fantasy | ufo
113U+1F47E👾alien monsteralien | creature | extraterrestrial | face | monster | ufo
114U+1F916🤖robotface | monster | robot
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
115U+1F63A😺grinning catcat | face | grinning | mouth | open | smile
116U+1F638😸grinning cat with smiling eyescat | eye | face | grin | grinning cat with smiling eyes | smile
117U+1F639😹cat with tears of joycat | cat with tears of joy | face | joy | tear
118U+1F63B😻smiling cat with heart-eyescat | eye | face | heart | love | smile | smiling cat with heart-eyes
119U+1F63C😼cat with wry smilecat | cat with wry smile | face | ironic | smile | wry
120U+1F63D😽kissing catcat | eye | face | kiss | kissing cat
121U+1F640🙀weary catcat | face | oh | surprised | weary
122U+1F63F😿crying catcat | cry | crying cat | face | sad | tear
123U+1F63E😾pouting catcat | face | pouting
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
124U+1F648🙈see-no-evil monkeyevil | face | forbidden | monkey | see | see-no-evil monkey
125U+1F649🙉hear-no-evil monkeyevil | face | forbidden | hear | hear-no-evil monkey | monkey
126U+1F64A🙊speak-no-evil monkeyevil | face | forbidden | monkey | speak | speak-no-evil monkey
CodeSampleCLDR Short NameOther Keywords
127U+1F48B💋kiss markkiss | kiss mark | lips
128U+1F48C💌love letterheart | letter | love | mail
129U+1F498💘heart with arrowarrow | cupid | heart with arrow
130U+1F49D💝heart with ribbonheart with ribbon | ribbon | valentine
131U+1F496💖sparkling heartexcited | sparkle | sparkling heart
132U+1F497💗growing heartexcited | growing | growing heart | nervous | pulse
133U+1F493💓beating heartbeating | beating heart | heartbeat | pulsating
134U+1F49E💞revolving heartsrevolving | revolving hearts
135U+1F495💕two heartslove | two hearts
136U+1F49F💟heart decorationheart | heart decoration
137U+2763❣heart exclamationexclamation | heart exclamation | mark | punctuation
138U+1F494💔broken heartbreak | broken | broken heart
139U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F525❤️‍🔥heart on fireburn | heart | heart on fire | love | lust | sacred heart
140U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1FA79❤️‍🩹mending hearthealthier | improving | mending | mending heart | recovering | recuperating | well
141U+2764❤red heartheart | red heart
142U+1F9E1🧡orange heartorange | orange heart
143U+1F49B💛yellow heartyellow | yellow heart
144U+1F49A💚green heartgreen | green heart
145U+1F499💙blue heartblue | blue heart
146U+1F49C💜purple heartpurple | purple heart

if you have any doubt , please let me know

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