How to print Emoji in java 👮👯👹💁💃😀


How to print Emoji in java 👮👯👹💁💃😀😈😎💦💭☺👍💆💂🍑🍇🌷🍲🐧🐮🐫🐵
  1. Go to this index and find emoji to use. E.g. "Grinning Face" has UTF-16 code U+1F600 .
  2. Go U+1F600 .
  3. Click on the returned result and find the row "C/C++/Java source code"; which should show "\uD83D\uDE00" .
  4. Put System.

How to use it?


The EmojiManager provides several static methods to search through the emojis database:

  • getForTag returns all the emojis for a given tag
  • getForAlias returns the emoji for an alias
  • getAll returns all the emojis
  • isEmoji checks if a string is an emoji

You can also query the metadata:

  • getAllTags returns the available tags

Or get everything:

  • getAll returns all the emojis

Emoji model

An Emoji is a POJO (plain old java object), which provides the following methods:

  • getUnicode returns the unicode representation of the emoji
  • getUnicode(Fitzpatrick) returns the unicode representation of the emoji with the provided Fitzpatrick modifier. If the emoji doesn't support the Fitzpatrick modifiers, this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException. If the provided Fitzpatrick is null, this method will return the unicode of the emoji.
  • getDescription returns the (optional) description of the emoji
  • getAliases returns a list of aliases for this emoji
  • getTags returns a list of tags for this emoji
  • getHtmlDecimal returns an html decimal representation of the emoji
  • getHtmlHexadecimal returns an html decimal representation of the emoji
  • supportsFitzpatrick returns true if the emoji supports the Fitzpatrick modifiers, else false

Fitzpatrick modifiers

Some emojis now support the use of Fitzpatrick modifiers that gives the choice between 5 shades of skin tones:

Modifier Type
🏻 type_1_2
🏼 type_3
🏽 type_4
🏾 type_5
🏿 type_6

We defined the format of the aliases including a Fitzpatrick modifier as:


A few examples:



To unicode

To replace all the aliases and the html representations found in a string by their unicode, use EmojiParser#parseToUnicode(String).

For example:

String str = "An :grinning:awesome :smiley:string 😄with a few :wink:emojis!";
String result = EmojiParser.parseToUnicode(str);
// Prints:
// "An 😀awesome 😃string 😄with a few 😉emojis!"

To aliases

To replace all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their aliases, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String).

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";
String result = EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str);
// Prints:
// "An :grinning:awesome :smiley:string with a few :wink:emojis!"

By default, the aliases will parse and include any Fitzpatrick modifier that would be provided. If you want to remove or ignore the Fitzpatrick modifiers, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String, FitzpatrickAction). Examples:

String str = "Here is a boy: \uD83D\uDC66\uD83C\uDFFF!";
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.PARSE));
// Prints twice: "Here is a boy: :boy|type_6:!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.REMOVE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: :boy:!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.IGNORE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: :boy:🏿!"

To html

To replace all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their html representation, use EmojiParser#parseToHtmlDecimal(String) or EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String).

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";

String resultDecimal = EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str);
// Prints:
// "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!"

String resultHexadecimal = EmojiParser.parseToHtmlHexadecimal(str);
// Prints:
// "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!"

By default, any Fitzpatrick modifier will be removed. If you want to ignore the Fitzpatrick modifiers, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String, FitzpatrickAction). Examples:

String str = "Here is a boy: \uD83D\uDC66\uD83C\uDFFF!";
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.PARSE));
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.REMOVE));
// Print 3 times: "Here is a boy: 👦!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.IGNORE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: 👦🏿!"

The same applies for the methods EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String) and EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String, FitzpatrickAction).

Remove emojis

You can easily remove emojis from a string using one of the following methods:

  • EmojiParser#removeAllEmojis(String): removes all the emojis from the String
  • EmojiParser#removeAllEmojisExcept(String, Collection<Emoji>): removes all the emojis from the String, except the ones in the Collection
  • EmojiParser#removeEmojis(String, Collection<Emoji>): removes the emojis in the Collection from the String

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";
Collection<Emoji> collection = new ArrayList<Emoji>();
collection.add(EmojiManager.getForAlias("wink")); // This is 😉

System.out.println(EmojiParser.removeAllEmojisExcept(str, collection));
System.out.println(EmojiParser.removeEmojis(str, collection));

// Prints:
// "An awesome string with a few emojis!"
// "An awesome string with a few 😉emojis!"
// "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few emojis!"

Extract Emojis from a string

You can search a string of mixed emoji/non-emoji characters and have all of the emoji characters returned as a Collection.

  • EmojiParser#extractEmojis(String): returns all emojis as a Collection. This will include duplicates if emojis are present more than once.

if you have any doubt , please let me know

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